Top 5 Gym Equipment For Women

When we are talking about particular exercise of women, there are numerous things that we need to consider about the equipment that we have to choose for the particular exercise. In-fact when a woman needs to choose equipment she has to be particular about that equipment that she chooses. There are many complications that she would have in her mind about, what if I choose wrong equipment?
A professional gym instructor can guide very well about each of the equipment, but if you have no time to visit gym then you have to purchase exercise equipment at home.
If you are a woman and you are wondering to have some gym equipment, then you need some of the following equipment must in your home gym.

Cable Tower:

This is the best machine that in used for biceps exercise. This is one of the best machine if you want to choose only one machine at your gym.

Gym Ball: 

This one of the light equipment that can be used for legs and abs exercises.

Stationary Bike: 

This is not specific for women, this is also helpful for man in warming up body on daily basis.

Walking Machine:


Best for walking and running, if you have not a place to run and walk outside. 


For the total body work-out. Good for the muscles exercises and also good for minimizing the joint stress. 

Charge Forklit Battery Safely


Electric forklifts are good choice to move materials and objects inside the warehouse. They are much cleaner and quieter than forklift truck propelled by liquid fluids and emit carbon monoxide. These batteries contain hazards material. During recharging process an operator may exposed to acidic solution and hydrogen gas which is produced during recharging process. Care is required during charging process of electric forklift battery.

  • Make sure that you are using correct charger to charge electric forklift battery. Charger must be matched with the battery. Its output voltage should be same as battery has. 

  • Check battery connectors cable are not damages. It can be sign of mismatched charger.

  • Charge battery after every shift. Do not store it on low charging as it reduces battery life.

  • Water the battery weekly upon full charge. Never water batteries before charging.

  • It’s better to use distilled or de-ionized water to cover the plates inside the battery cells.  Unsubmerged cells will quickly lose their ability to absorb and release energy.

  • Make sure to charge your battery fully during finishing phase.  When gas bubbles starts to appear its mean your battery is nearly full charged. The negative plate produces hydrogen and positive plate produces oxygen. This bubbling process mixes the acid inside the battery to make uniform acidity level at all areas.

  • Always charge battery at open area. If charging area is concentrated then hydrogen and oxygen combination can make explosion. 

  • Never charge forklift battery if its too cold or hot.

John Higgins Young Forklift Operator Breaks his Back

Working on Forklift can be risky some time. Even if you are expert in forklift handling, you can face accidents by your small mistake.
John Higgins was a boy who survived from a disgusting accident. He was 16 years old and during the work at the recycling plant he faced this situation. Please see and share this video to save other people from such a bad experience. 

Helpful Road Safety Tips for children

Every parent must need to teach their child about road crossing and safety. This topic is neglected by some parents which causes accidents of children on the road.
If you are a Parent of a young child than you are at the right place this time because I am going to write here few helpful points for every parent that he need to teach his child. 

You are The Model:

A child in a growing age only copies his elders. At the young age of the child you are the role model of him. If you will do something in a wrong way he may copy you and learn the same thing. That is why you should never cross the road in wrong way or in hurry when you are with your child. Always follow road rules specifically in front of your child. Don`t use you mobile while crossing the road.

Hold Hand of your Child:
Children are really crazy. They can run on the crowded road anytime. You have to teach them along with taking care for him. Always hold hand of your child while passing by the road. With this practice teach him what you are doing. Like you can tell him that see I am crossing from here, you should also do like that. At this time always keep your child opposite side of the traffic and keep yourself on the traffic side. 

Road Signs Teaching: 

It will be a wonderful practice if you teach your child about road signs like Zebra Crossing, Pedestrian Zone, school zone and Signal Lights etc.  Sometimes in the books he can learn about these signs but I think that practical effort will be more powerful to teach him. 

Bus Stop Training: 

Your child should be aware of also bus stop rules and regulations. You should guide him that how to ride on bus, how to wait on bus stop etc… This guide is going to help him daily on his school bus timing. If your child is under 8years make sure that you or a guardian drop or pick him from bus stop. 

Car Safety:

Teach your child about Seat belt and about its advantages. This is also important that a child should sit on the back seat. Small child needs children retrains while sitting on the car seat. This will fix them in the car seat in a well manner. 

 Safety While Playing:

Guide your child about playing near the road. You should always send him in the park, or the area that is not around the traffic areas. This is important that you teach him not to go to the road alone if the ball or other playing item goes on the road. If your child is brilliant or more than the age of 8, you should teach him that how to get your stuff if it goes on the road. 

These safety tips are precious for the life of your child. I would say to every parent that do not neglect the child in this case and teach your child every day, and save him from any accident.  

Clean Forklift Batteries through Automated Washer

Forklift batteries need proper maintenance and cleaning. If you properly maintain forklift batteries then it can double its life which ultimately reduce company’s cost. Forklift batteries contain acid which leaks and if not washed on time then can accumulate at the terminals and may cause of corrosion. If left unintended then this corrosion can pose serious safety threats to operators of forklift.

As forklift batteries contain toxic acid so if washed by hand then this process could be tedious and dangerous. That's why it’s better to use automated washer to clean forklift batteries.

Automated washer makes job easy as hand washing for many large forklift fleet is very difficult process. Large battery washers can handle many units at a time so frees workers for other tasks which ultimately reduces staffing needs for organization. Further workers are not exposed with toxic materials during spray off process.

One more advantage of using automated battery washer is, it collects used and dirty water into tank so this can be further processed. This dirty water contains many toxic acids and heavy metals. If water is allowed to be drained then it can contaminate underground water posing serious health hazards to population.

So on time maintenance and cleaning not only reduce your time but also your operating cost. Invest in automated washer to clean the batteries and make job easy and safe. 

Electric Forklift | Advantages and Disadvantages

There are different kinds of forklift trucks available to buy. Out of them are LPG, Electric, CNG, Diesel and Propane Forklifts are the most common types. Leaving all the types on the side Electric Forklifts are getting popular so fast. However there are certain advantages and disadvantages of every type of Forklift which every driver need to know. Here I am going to share here some advantages and disadvantages of Electric forklifts. By reading them this would be easy for you to decide which truck suits your construction site the best. 

 1.  The best thing about electric forklifts is that they have zero emission, which causes safe and healthy environment.  That is why these can be called the Green Forklifts.
2.  These produce less noise pollution also.
3. Another huge advantage of such forklifts is that they have no fuel cost.
4. Just like Car Batteries, the batteries of Electric Forklift are changeable and Rechargeable.
5. One other benefit is that the operational cost is low. 
6. Barking happens automatically in electric forklifts.
7.The Life of Electric Forklifts is greater than the other types. These have large Life cycle.
8.Due to only few parts that these forklifts have, the repairing is easy and cost effective.
9. They are usable indoor. So these can be kept clean for long time.
10 .The charging and using indoor causes to away the trouble of moving them outside to the fuel station.

Along with the above mentioned advantages there are certain disadvantages of these forklifts.

1. These are much expensive. So everyone can not buy it. Even the forklift rentals cost is also higher.
2. Another disadvantage is that the charging takes a lot of time, and it is recommended not to run them until they are fully charged.
3. The speed is slow.
4. The capability of lifting weight is lower than other forklifts.
5. You can not handle it until you are fully trained.
6. These are usable only indoor.
7. The battery weight of the electric forklifts is more than 3,500 pounds which is a great disadvantage.
8. They required proper charging environment.The area should be properly dry and should have controlled temperature, otherwise you can face accidents. 

After reading all above advantages and disadvantages one can decide either he should buy these electric forklifts or not.

Steps To Hire a Forklift Trainer

Forklift comes under heavy machinery. It’s a common sense that it must be operated after proper training. According to one research 70-90% forklift related accidents are due to operator's error. So it’s an employer responsibility to give proper training to all operators. They must ensure that all operators are certified. Forklift training not only reduces safety risks but also lowers forklift maintenance cost and increase productivity. Employers are highly responsible to offer good training program to all their operators. So success of good training program depends upon good trainer. Companies should hire good trainer so that he can plan out forklift training program according to needs. Here are few important steps to hire a good forklift trainer.

  • Before hiring any trainer, check out his qualification and experience. He is eligible and enough qualified to provide training to all your operators. He has enough experience in order to plan out training program according to organization needs.
  • It is important to ask the trainer to visit your site. In this way he can actually visualize the situation and can plan training program according to organization’s need. 
  • Forklift training program should be through, systematic and well planned. Its sound an easy but it is necessary that it must be planned according to requirements. A good training program should cover all regulations and activities such as safety, inspection etc.
  • A good training program should also include class room training. Its trainer responsibility to make it interesting by adding videos and power point presentation. Don’t forget to introduce basic concepts in class room training like safety, health and fueling etc.
  • Basic concepts are necessary but never ignore hand on training needs. Trainer must include hand on training in forklift training program. First trainer should operate forklift himself so that operators could observe him. Different models of forklift are available in market. So operators must be trained to handle particular model, which they are using.
These points are necessary to hire a forklift trainer so that he could plan out training program in such a way to meet organizational requirements successfully.

Cleaning Forklift Batteries Yourself

Forklift is a part of many business operations. Depending upon its use, broken down of a forklift is a routine issue. It can slow down the function of forklift. That’s why proper maintenance of forklift is very necessary. Cleaning of forklift batteries can increase their life and can save company’s budget.

Forkliftbatteries contain acids which can contaminate the surface if not cleaned after some time. If this acid accumulated to the terminals of forklift then it can leak. Acid can also corrodes terminals of forklift which in turn can pose serious safety hazards for forklift operators. So after 6 month or more cleaning of forklift is necessary, depending upon its usage. Here are a few simple step through which you can wash forklift batteries yourself.

Turn off your forklift and remove battery.
Look the sign of leak. If these are severe then you should replace the batteries, otherwise you can wash it with water and rag.
Find out the signs of corrosion. Wire battery terminal brush can be used to clean the terminals.
Clean the residue that has piled up.
After cleaning the battery now again fix it and refresh all connections.

10 Most Common Gardening Tools

Gardening is hobby of many people. It not only beautifies the home but also keep soul alive and fresh. There are many tools which are used for digging, pruning, growing and harvesting. There is long list of gardening tools. These vary from region to region and season to season. But few are basic one. These are important to keep at home for your garden maintenance. Here is list of some important tools for gardening and their uses.

This is the first choice of any gardener irrespective of geographical area and season. These are used for many purposes like snipping herbs, to remove deadhead flowers, to open a seed packet or bag of potting soil, or to harvest small vegetables such as peppers etc


It is also available in different types. It is used to tackle trees and shrub cutting. These are also used to clear undergrowth, shaping tree, and pruning. These can also be used to cut down the small trees.

Soil Knife
It also has several practical uses. It is used for dividing plants, good for cutting out root masses from dead plants, slicing through rods, getting plants out of the pots,


These are used to remove dandelions, thistles, and other invasive weeds. These have long ends so can remove weed roots from deep in the ground.

Water Hose

These are used to convey waters. There are number of common attachments at the end of the hose.


These are available in small hand held size to large ones. It is used to planting trees and shrubs. It can be used to mix large quantities of dirt, compost and similar type of materials.


It is also available in different forms and performs different functions. It is used to create a fine tilth for a seed bed and to level it out. It can be used to collect leaves, mulch, and to smooth out the soil and blend it with the rest of the material.


It is also available in different sizes. It is used for shoveling, compost, and digging. 


It is also used to digging the soil where spade does not work well. It is also used to lifting out the roots of an established perennial and harvesting root vegetables.

Utility Bag

It is used to keep hand tools, fertilizers, weeds, and other plant food. It can be used for discard weeds and debris.

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