Short Guide On Forklift Maintenance

You know forklift is used to transport and load heavy objects. It has become vital machinery in many industries especially in manufacturing and construction industry. These have become routine part of the day to day operations of many businesses. Various fuels like petrol, diesel is used in forklift, but electric forklift are more common. Like any other machinery forklift maintenance is necessary to keep its operation smooth which in return increase productivity and ultimately business profits. Here I will share short guideline on maintenance of forklift.

  • Check each and every part to see if there is any damage, crack, or cuts. Because these small damage can create big problem later on. By proper inspection before hand you can minimize the risk.
  • Brake fluid level must be up to mark. If it’s running low then add fluid. More over check rubber hose if there is any leakage.
  • Check air pressure in all tires. . If air pressure is low then increase it for smooth operation.
  • Change engine filter regularly for smooth operation.
  • To raise and lower the loads forklift uses hydraulic system. This system has major components which need to be checked regularly to prevent any injury.
  • Hydraulic hoses must be checked regularly to find excessive wear and cracks.
  • Normally forklift tires are designs in such a way that these have long life span. But their condition depends upon where forklift is operated. So monitor them regularly to avoid any risk.
  • Regular oil change is necessary for gas and propane forklift. While if you have electric forklift then its battery charging on time is an important element.
  • Check transmission system regularly.

This is short guide on forklift maintenance. Infect each and every small part should be checked regularly especially any moving parts. Regular inspection and maintenance not only increase lifespan of forklift but also make sure effective and efficient use of forklift. Moreover it minimizes any risk of damage and injury.

Medical Standards To Operate Forklift

To operate any vehicle most important thing is your fitness. Mentally as well as physical health is necessary. Similarly to operate forklift or similar type of vehicles there are some medical standard. These standards keep working atmosphere safe. Driver and vehicle licensing agency issued a complete guide At a Glance about medical standard for drivers who operate vehicles. This can be found on Internet. Any one who wants to confirm something or has any doubt can take guidance from this.

Application of Medical Standards
To operate forklift each person’s fitness is checked individually. All forklift drivers either existing or potential ought to be screened before employment and a minimum of five year interval for fitness.

If you are taking any medication that could cause side effect then let know your employer until you stop taking it. It’s not only safe for you but for all those who work around you.

Vision and Hearing Requirements
Any one who is operating forklift should have excellent vision and they must not have any hearing issues. Some companies provide their employees hearing aid in order to prevent them from any injury.

Physical Handicaps
Ensure that operator of forklift can use his full limbs. He must not have any handicap which might produce disturbance in his work operation. Some handicapped people develop skills to cope with this and can operate forklift efficiently. In order that they don't seem to be at disadvantages.

Psychological Requirements
To operate forklift only physical fitness is not necessary but psychological fitness is additionally important. Make it sure that drivers of forklift don’t have any psychological issues like neurological diseases. If some one is taking medication then off set him from job until he stop to take medication.  

Refueling The Forklift

Refueling the forklift is not as simple task as it seems. If refueling is not done properly then it can pose serious threats. For most of people safety is not the main concern when they are in rush to get refueling but of course it is a serious matter of consideration.

Precautionary Measures
Some precautionary measures are important to consider before refueling the forklift.
  • Never refuel any forklift during engine running. As engine has potential to ignite the fuel so can leads to serious threat.
  • Sources of ignition like smoke, open flam etc should keep away from forklifts during refueling at least 10 meter away.
  • Always follow safe parking procedure.
Refueling of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Liquid Petroleum Gas is used as a fuel both externally as well internally. It is good fuel but if not handled properly then can leads to serious threats. LPG vapors are heavier than air, if not properly dissipated then these can cause ignition. It is very inflammable. It is very clod when exposed to atmosphere so can cause skin problem.
  • Never refuel LPG truck in a confined area because if there is leak then LPG vapors can collect.
  • During parking of LPG lift truck for long period of time, turn off its valve.
  • Never leave LPG trucks near heat or combustible area.
  •  Always hire trained person to replace the LPG container.
  • Always follow proper procedure to handle LPG.
Refueling of Gasoline and Diesel

Refueling the gas forklift is easy but keep in mind these are also inflammable and exposure to explosive fumes.
  • Always refuel forklift only on specified safe are.
  • Stop the engine during refueling.
  • Don’t smoke during refueling as gasoline is very inflammable.
  • As fuel expands so never fill the tank to the top.
  • Refuel the tank at the end of the each day.
  • Always follow proper procedure to refuel gasoline and diesel tank.

Requirements To Operate Forklift

To operate a forklift there are certain requirements which are necessary. The first thing is that you should have good health and enough flexibility to operate forklift. If you are healthy enough to operate any other automobile, its means you are eligible to operate forklift.

Many employers also prefer high school diploma so that you can read, write basic English and are eligible to understand labels on forklift and instructions manual.

Before you start work as a forklift driver, you will need to receive training. Class room training, on the job training, skills evaluation, and review are all things which include in training. It is employer responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient skills and knowledge about safety measures before you operate forklift.

Forklift license and certification are necessary things before you operate forklift. If you already had  taken classes and course its means you have knowledge about its operation and safety measures.

As forklift comes under heavy machinery so to operate it, special certification is also required. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) certification is necessary before to operate forklift. This certification is basically comprises on how to drive and operate forklift and safety measures that should be taken to operate forklift. This certification is not transferable because different vehicles require different training.

To operate forklift in a safe manner is not hard to understand. Most of it is your common sense such as wearing seat belts and awareness of your surroundings all the times. Adopting safety measures is not only safe for you but also for those who work at your workplace. Moreover it’s a matter of practice. The good way to learn something is practice it. Once you get control on it then it’s not difficult for you to operate forklift. Different models have different control system but basics to operate forklift are same.

After getting training and certification now you are eligible for test. This test include written and practical test of whatever you learnt during classes and training. Once you pass this test, you get license and certification to operate forklift legally. Now you are officially driver of forklift and can get job anywhere.

Fueling & Powering Of Forklift

Fueling and powering the forklift is a matter of consideration. There are mainly two options for powering the forklift, one is electrical and other is internal combustion.

Electrical Forklifts
In electrical forklift battery is used. These batteries are just like car batteries but these are large size and heavy batteries. Generally one battery provides sufficient power for an 8 hour shift. These batteries are used internally. Using these batteries provide tremendous benefits.
These batteries produce zero emission hence no threat of flaming. Fuel cost is also very less. Although at initial level you pay higher price but after charging the battery is the only expense. Normally 16 hours are required to charge a one battery which means it is difficult to work with one battery. So to use these types of models at least there should be two batteries. It will incur more initial cost. Moreover as these batteries are heavy so special cranes are needed to change these batteries. So these models are suitable for those who have sufficient budget to purchase batteries. These models are not much speedy so if speed will consider then electrical forklifts are not good choice. One more things is electrical forklift are suitable for warehouse operation but not good for standard outdoor operation especially in rainy season.
Internal Combustion Forklifts
These models use different types of fuel like gas, diesel, and LPG. These are most powerful form of forklift. These can easily carry heavy loads and can easily refueled but produce much noise as compared to electrical model. To operate these models require more cost. Much of this cost is hidden. Although these models have lower initial cost as compared to electrical model but they have greater operational cost. Diesel, gas, and petrol are not much cheap. Moreover greater space is required to store these items. So it also incurs storage cost. So always keep in mind the spacing and storage issue for purchasing these models of forklift. These types of models can only be used externally and are not suitable for warehouse use. Only LPG can be used externally as well as internally. It has very less refueling time normally between 5 to 15 mints. Some dual systems are also available but these are expensive as compared to other models.

A new concept is becoming popular which is use of hydrogen fuel cells in forklift model. These cells also produce zero emission just like batteries of electrical model. These cells can be refueled within few mints. These are not widely available yet but probability is that these will become popular in coming years.

Why Renting a Forklift Is Right For You?

If you are using forklift then you have two option, either you can buy it or can rent out it. There are many reasons why renting a forklift is right for you. Here I will explain why renting a forklift is right for you and what important things you have to consider while renting a forklift.

Reasons for Renting a Forklift
  • Renting a forklift reduces your fixed cost which you pay in case of buying forklift.
  • When you rent out forklift then you do not pay upfront or loan cost. In this way you can save your capital amount.
  • You can rent out most modern forklift. In this way you can benefited with latest technology. But if you buy it then its replacement is not an easy process.
  • You can save money if you rent out forklift. When you purchase forklift then you have to bear lot of maintenance cost. But by renting out you can save this amount.
  • As you rent out forklift from dealer so equipment is properly maintained. You will not pay any maintenance cost.
Hiring Plan
Consider following steps for hiring a forklift.
  • Different businesses have different needs. Determine your business need whether you will hire forklift for long term or short term.
  • Many brands and types of forklift are available in market. Choose type according to your need. You can consult with an expert person for this purpose.
  • Find a trustable and good dealer for forklift renting.
Important Things for Consideration While Renting
For renting out forklift certain things should keep in mind.
  • It should be well maintained.
  • Are dealers certified?
  • Is equipment insured or not?
  • Are dealers charging any extra fee?
  • Have you read all terms and conditions of contract?
In most of the cases renting a forklift is right for you especially if you need forklift for short period of time. By renting a forklift you can save amount.

Buying Used Forklift | Advantages & Disadvantages

Forkliftis used to carry heavy objects. Some one can buy new forklift as well as can purchase used forklift. Buying a used forklift has certain advantages as well as disadvantages. Here I will share important things which are necessary to consider and advantages as well as disadvantages of buying used forklift.

Research is Key to Success
  • One most of the important thing is research. There are many brands available in the market. People, who already have  used forklift, probably know the terminology of forklift. But if you are buying for first time then you should have some knowledge about forklift, its types, and brands etc.
  • There should be a clear idea about forklift requirements in your mind. How much weight and maximum height is required to fulfil your needs?
  • Use as many sources for research as you can. You can use newspaper, online, references etc.
  • After knowing your need you can contact with dealers and tell him which type of forklift is appropriate for you. Ask him about running hours as well as maintenance schedule of forklift. Was any part replaced during use? Ask about warranty period. If it is near to expire then it is possible you have to pay extra charges to extend its warranty period.
  • Have a test drive before purchase. Its better to perform quality check before purchase.
  • Make inspection by some competent person in order to find any defects before hand.
  • You bear less cost when you purchase used forklift as compared to new one.
  • It eliminates depreciation expense which is paid for new forklift.
  • No lease or rental payments.
  • If you have a small budget then buying a used forklift is better option.
  • Used forklift can not replace the new one.
  • As it is not brand new so does not have aesthetic like new one.
  • It is more prone to damage and repairs.
  • As it is old one so does not include new features and functions of forklift.
  • May be it won’t have same safety level like new one.
  • As it is already used so may be its warranty will be near to expire and you will have to pay extra charges to extend its warranty period.

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