Construction Accidents | Causes and Prevention

Construction accidents are most common. These accidents cab be major or minor but can lead to serious danger and health problems. There could be many causes of it but most common are following.


  • Inadequate scaffolding can be a reason. It is a temporary structure for building and is made of woods and poles. If it is not properly designed then it can leads to accidents.
  • If stairs are without guardrails then it can be a reason.
  • Misuse of stepladder can be major cause of accidents. Don’t use household ladders in construction because these can not bear the weight.
  • During roof construction many accidents occur because of insufficient support and protection. 
  • In building there are many openings but if these openings are not protected then accidents can occur because any one can fell from these openings.
  • Tool belt is one of the necessary things during construction. Lack of tool belt can cause accidents.  
  • Electrical accidents are also common which are due to the contact with power lines, improper use of extensions etc
  • Crane, forklift trucks accidents are also common if one does not know there rules to use.

Prevention Tips:

There are many ways by adopting these you can minimize the risk of construction accidents.

  • Try to create safe working environment.
  • Always use skilled workers who know their work and how to handle work related equipment.
  • Cover all floor and roof openings.
  • Scaffolding should be rigid and properly erected.
  • Always use correct ladder for the task. Make it sure it is enough competent to bear the weight of a person along with tools and materials.
  • Stairways should have handrails to avoid fall and slips.
  • Avoid contact with power lines. Always use extensions.
  • Check all types of machines properly before use.

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