Appropriate Time For Forklift Inspection

There are many times when you use different types of equipment. Some involve very heavy machinery like forklift, crane, louder etc. To use equipment safe and sound you need its proper inspection. Its not only company‘s obligation to inspect the equipment but being a user you should also play some role.

Normally any lifting equipment should be inspecting within one year. But if its usage is more, then reduce this inspection period. One thing should be clear that there is difference between main lifting equipment and accessories to attach with this lifting equipment.

If you are using new forklift then make it sure that you should carry its inspection before its installation and then you have to use it.

Forklift has different types of attachments. To use it properly there is need to inspect its all attachment parts every six months.

No one will let you know that forklift require inspection. It’s your responsibility to diary it and inspect it within schedule. Make checklist of each and every item.  

You should prepare list of all items and areas that have been checked. So that there will be no area and part left remained. Check tires, chains, wheels, air pressure, electrolyte cell level, horns, breaks, cylinders etc.

One important thing is that inspection should be done by competent person. Competent person is one who has sufficient knowledge and experience. One who can detect errors and defects? One who knows how much these defects are dangerous if not properly detected and corrected. These types of equipment become more worth considering when people are involved. That’s why preventive measures can save you from big loss.

Maintenance of Forklift Battery

Forkliftis used to lift the heavy objects. Maintenance of its each and every part is very necessary. Otherwise you will bear extra cost of repairs. Similarly forklift battery maintenance is very necessary other wise you will have to change it sooner and this will ultimately hurt your profits.

In proper maintenance many things are necessary like charging your batteries correctly, maintaining water level, proper and on time inspection etc.

Charging the Battery
  • It is very important to know when to charge forklift battery. If you will charge it too early or late then it will reduce battery life. So you should know proper time for charging the forklift battery.
  • Try to charge the battery when it reaches nearly 80%. Cool it before use.
  • To keep track of its timings is a good option. Any one who operates forklift should keep record of its timings when it needs charging. This record will prevent from too early or late charging.
  • Never charge the battery up to maximum level. Don’t give short charging during lunch break. It will affect its performance. Instead let it cool during break timings.
  • Charge battery before it will completely dead otherwise it will require nearly 3 days to become full charge.
  • During use if battery radiates heat or produces strong smell then there is some problem. So never use it. Instead call service center.
  • Never charge battery near flam or spark. Due to hydrogen gas it can cause explosion which leads to injury or death.
  • Don’t completely discharge the battery. It will decrease its performance. Further it will prevent your charger to completely charge the battery.
Maintaining Water Level
  • Adding proper amount of water is as much as necessary as charging the battery. Dry batteries may burn out.
  • Add water only when plates are visible but never over flow the water because it can corrode the battery’s cell.
  • More over addition of water can cause expansion so never overfill the battery.
Inspection of Battery
  • Proper inspection of battery is very important even after its maintenance.
  • It is a good to inspect forklift battery 3, 4 times in a years to make it sure its smooth running at its peak.
  • Professionals detect any defects or errors at its early stage during inspection. It will save you from big problem. That’s why proper inspection is very important for working your batteries efficiently and for their longer life.   

Do You Know Which Type Of Crane Is Suitable For you?

Have you ever worked with heavy machinery like cranes, forklift, reach truck, louder etc. These are used in construction and manufacturing industry. One very important machine is crane which  is used to move heavy and large objects. There are many types of cranes available in market but which crane is best for you, is a matter of consideration. There are basic questions that should be answered while selecting crane.

  • First of all you have to find the weights of goods which  you will lift?
  • What will be size of the goods?
  • Exactly for what purpose you will use the crane?
  • How often will you use the crane?
  • Will you use the crane for mounted position or for moving purpose?
  • Are two axes hooked crane is sufficient for you or three axes hooked?
  • Using a crane will make your work easier for you and for your staff?

Of course you have to keep in mind your budget. To choose cheapest crane is easy but if it does not fulfill your need then it is useless. So try to purchase cost effective crane within your budget that will work for you in an efficient and effective manner.

After answering these questions now you are in a position to choose crane according to your need. There are different types of cranes available in market. You can choose according to your need.

Mobile Crane
Mobile crane is the simplest type of crane. A large steel tower is mounted on a simple platform such as rail. Remotes are used to move them. One thing that should be keep in mind that you can not lift very heavy objects by using this crane.

Tower Crane
These is fixed type of crane and also called balanced crane. As it is mounted on ground so gives a best combination of lifting and height. That’s why it is used for construction of tall buildings.

Truck Mounted Crane
This crane is fixed on truck. It is a mobile crane. It is operated by driver. It can be used to lift the objects vertically and horizontally.

Loader Crane
It is used to lift heavy objects. It is attached to a trailer and is hydraulically designed. Further it has many folds which make it small when it’s not working.

Rough Terrain Crane
This crane is mounted on an under carriage which has four wheels. It has one engine which is fixed inside it. It is operated by a driver. Mostly it is used to lift cars.

Overhead Crane
It is also called suspended crane. Mostly it is used in factories. The hoist is fixed on trolley which moves in one direction along with beam.

Telescope Crane
It is also a mobile crane. It has boom fitted with many tubes whose length can be increased or decreased.


Basics to Reach trucks | What is a Reach Truck?

Until now I was writing about forklift trucks. In my last post I told you about the types of forklift. One of them was Reach Truck.
Now if you are thinking to buy reach truck you have to first know about it in detail.
Reach truck is quite different from other forklifts but the wheelbase of this truck is same like counter-balance forklift. This truck allows working with much narrower walkways. This truck is one of the ways to increase capacity up to 30%. These trucks are excellent to work for warehouse environment.

Some important features about Reach Trucks:
  1. The turning radius of this truck is 2.4m.
  2. The counter balance is 3.7m.
  3. They are required sometimes minimum or 92″+ of clear walkway to store and retrieve pallets.  
  4. They have more capacity which is from 3,000 lbs to 4,000 lbs. That is why the aisle will increase by a further 2″.
  5. They are available by Toyota, Altus lift, Mercedes and other lift trucks brands.
  6. The rack dimension is 6-12” than the aisle dimension. 
  7. They have 35% reduction radius as compare to the counter balance.

Types of Reach Forklift: 

Pantograph Reach Trucks

Moving Mast Reach Trucks

 Safety Requirement: 

 Just like other lift trucks, to handle Reach Forklift we are required particular training. The training can be found online, short courses or on site training. These courses tells the introduction, How it works, Pre-use inspection and operation information.This training should must get before you are going to buy or drive forklift. 

5 Design Types of Forklift Trucks

A forklift Truck is used to lift the heavy luggage. It was developed in 1920. Until now there are many brands and types of Forklifts have been invented. They have been introduced as Electric and Fuel Forklifts also.

There are many Design types of Forklifts:

Hand Pallet Trucks 

These are the shortest form of trucks. These are used to move Pallet. There are further two types of them. Manual and Power Pallet Trucks.

Counterbalance Forklift Trucks 
This is the most common type of forklifts. Many are aware of this. This contains a front machine with no arms and legs.

Motorized Pallet Truck
These are used for frequent moment. They can lift luggage to the distances. The advantage is low cost.

Reach Trucks 
These trucks are specially designed for warehouses. They offers maximum line height. They can lift weight of height almost 10 ft.

These are kind of specialist machines. They can perform some extended operations. They offer an excellent access option. 

Whatever type is your requirement you should always consider safety guidelines and proper knowledge about the trucks to save you from any disaster. 

10 Workplace precautions to Keep your workplace Safe

We all have heard about a lot of accidents that take place on workplaces. These varies minor to intense. Your small mistakes can kill someone or even can harm your own self. If you are working on heavy machines, the chances of accidents are more. I am sharing here some basic Safety guidelines that can help you a lot to work safe and sound. Following these precautions would decrease the number of accidents.

  1. It is recommended to uses Forklift or hydraulic to lift heavy items. Do not try to lift any heavy item yourself. This can cause of Kyphosis and Back pain. You can use the Lift Truck according to your need and place. You can use Electrical Forklift or Fuel Forklift.
  2. Wear all the safety equipment such as Hats, Gloves and eye wear. Working without them can harm you in any of the way. Such as, eye wears protect your eyes. A person can be permanently blind if a small particle goes into the eye.
  3. Make the area Smoking Free.  The area can get into fire due to a minor spark. Train your people not to burn or smoke near the workplace.
  4. Use the symbols clearly to represent any area. Such as No Smoking area can contain a large no smoking mark. A Dangerous place can contain Dangerous symbol. Do not use the symbol in way that people get confuse with them. Use the standard icons.
  5. Emergency Exits and awareness about that is necessary. Train your staff about Emergency exits. This is also one of the ways to decrease accidents and deaths.
  6. Your floor should be Slip Free. Keep the floor non Greasy all the time. Put the Wet Floor Rack on floor if the floor is wet.
  7.  Keep Fire Safety equipment near the workplace.
  8. I personally recommend that only trained people should enter into the workplace. During their training people would get the training about safety. This will minimize the accidents. Do not let non authorized people to get in.
  9. It is better to have an ambulance near the workplace. In chance of any kind accident, bring the patient to hospital without wasting time. Placing of First Aid box is also one of the needs for Workplace.
  10. Place Fire Alarms on the work place. This will help to control fire at the very first stage and chances of accident will decrease.

Heavy Equipment Zone required extra safety and precautions. So be sure that  you are following all the guidelines and having proper training.

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