Maintenance of Forklift Battery

Forkliftis used to lift the heavy objects. Maintenance of its each and every part is very necessary. Otherwise you will bear extra cost of repairs. Similarly forklift battery maintenance is very necessary other wise you will have to change it sooner and this will ultimately hurt your profits.

In proper maintenance many things are necessary like charging your batteries correctly, maintaining water level, proper and on time inspection etc.

Charging the Battery
  • It is very important to know when to charge forklift battery. If you will charge it too early or late then it will reduce battery life. So you should know proper time for charging the forklift battery.
  • Try to charge the battery when it reaches nearly 80%. Cool it before use.
  • To keep track of its timings is a good option. Any one who operates forklift should keep record of its timings when it needs charging. This record will prevent from too early or late charging.
  • Never charge the battery up to maximum level. Don’t give short charging during lunch break. It will affect its performance. Instead let it cool during break timings.
  • Charge battery before it will completely dead otherwise it will require nearly 3 days to become full charge.
  • During use if battery radiates heat or produces strong smell then there is some problem. So never use it. Instead call service center.
  • Never charge battery near flam or spark. Due to hydrogen gas it can cause explosion which leads to injury or death.
  • Don’t completely discharge the battery. It will decrease its performance. Further it will prevent your charger to completely charge the battery.
Maintaining Water Level
  • Adding proper amount of water is as much as necessary as charging the battery. Dry batteries may burn out.
  • Add water only when plates are visible but never over flow the water because it can corrode the battery’s cell.
  • More over addition of water can cause expansion so never overfill the battery.
Inspection of Battery
  • Proper inspection of battery is very important even after its maintenance.
  • It is a good to inspect forklift battery 3, 4 times in a years to make it sure its smooth running at its peak.
  • Professionals detect any defects or errors at its early stage during inspection. It will save you from big problem. That’s why proper inspection is very important for working your batteries efficiently and for their longer life.   

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