Employee Safety | Lifting Guidance

Many of you are involve in lifting the objects during their work. Lifting the objects can be done manually or through equipment such as lift trucks, forklifts, etc. It also depends upon object size and weight whether you perform task manually or through some tools and equipment. So you have to consider many things while performing this task. It is not necessary only for your safety but for all those who work around you. These tips are helpful for those who do this task of lifting the objects manually as well as through equipment.

  • Test each and every object before lifting. Small size does not mean light weight object. By hand or moving with your feet you can estimate its weight.
  • Keeping object close to your waist will help you in maintaining balance. If you are using some equipment then keep that object at its proper place.
  • Hold object firmly or use holding handles to keep it balance.
  • Always keep good posture while lifting. It will save you from back injuries. Don’t use your legs or back to lift the weights. Always adopt stable position before lifting the weight.
  • Don’t twist your back while lifting the objects. It’s better to turn with your feet instead of twisting your back.
  • Keep your head up after lifting the object. Don’t look towards down. It can cause pain in your back and muscles.
  • Once you hold the object, don’t twist or jerk the object. You can lose control by doing this which ultimately will hurt you.
  • Look all spaces wherever you will walk while lifting the object. Don’t walk on uneven or slippery surfaces. It can cause accidents.
  • If you are using some tools or equipment for lifting the object like forklifts, lift trucks etc, then read all instructions written on manual. Follow those instructions. While working with heavy machinery, an operator must have proper training and knowledge to operate it in order to avoid any mishap.

Keeping in mind all these points you can keep yourself safe while lifting objects and can avoid any type of mishap.

Safety Rules | General Guidance for Employees

Most of you may be working at different places. Workplace safety is one of the important things which should be considered. Safety is not only necessary for you but also any one who is working around you. That’s why there is a need to adopt safety measures so that you not only keep yourself safe but also to others. Management should make proper safety plan for their employees. Every employee must aware of these general rules of safety. Management focus should be on proper implementation of these safety measures. Here I am sharing some general safety rules which can be adopted for any type of workplace.

  • One of the most important things is that every employee should be aware of his job and the tools which he is using. Any one, who knows the use of equipment, can save himself from many hazards which otherwise may be resulted due to improper use of equipment.
  • Always use right tool for specified task. Keep tools in good condition because if any tool has some defects and you are using it hen it can cause problem for you.
  • Always use protective equipment to keep safe yourself like if you are working with sharp edge tools then wear gloves. Similarly f you are doing work with fire related equipment then wear safety glasses. Wear safety belt wherever is required.
  • When you are dealing with large machinery then you must adopt all safety measures. You should be aware of all instructions related to that machine as different machines have different safety rules. Normally large and heavy machinery requires large space so make it sure that no one is working around it. Properly turn off the machine after using it.
  • If you are dealing with lifting and loading machinery then keep in mind their speed limit, loading and unloading capacity, their distance from other machinery etc.
  • Maintenance of machinery is very important. Make a maintenance schedule for every type of machine. When your equipment will be in good condition then there are fewer chances of accidents.
  • Choosing the right type of fuel is also very important. Never refuel any machinery when its engine is running. Avoid smoking near fuel because these are sensitive to catch fire.

Electric Forklift | Maintenance Suggestions

A forklift can be of many types. Some use diesel and gas as a fuel while others are electric forklift. Diesel and gas forklifts are good for outdoor operation while electric forklifts are best suitable for indoor operation. As compared to other types of forklift electric forklifts required less maintenance because these have very less moving parts. But it does not mean that these are maintenance free.

They have high initial cost due to charger and very heavy battery but after that these have very less operational cost. So you can say that although you bear high initial cost but that is cope up with later operational cost of forklift because after that it only requires charging.

In electric forklift battery is used. That’s why proper maintenance is very necessary for it. Don’t use forklift battery at extreme heat level because it can damage internal components fastly. If you are using forklift with less required power then it can also damage battery as well as motor.

Never charge the battery above 80% level. In this way it will become overheat which can cause harmful effect for other parts of the forklift components.

Motor and brushes are very important part of the forklift. Make sure their cleanliness. Otherwise debris can affect their functionality.

Maintain the water level in the battery at a proper level for its smooth operation. There is less water required for newly battery. But keep in mind never over flow the level of water because it can cause serious problems.

Try to use smart charging system for forklift charging and its smooth function.

Wheel bearings, steering system, tie rods all components must be in proper condition for smooth function of forklift.

It’s very clear that if you make schedule for electric forklift maintenance and its proper inspection then there is less chances of its damage which results in its smooth and efficient function and also will save your long term cost.

Selection Of Right Forklift Tires

Each and every part of forklift is necessary to operate it with efficiency and effectively and to make it safe for workplace. Similarly tires are also one of the most important parts of the forklift. No matter how much good quality of forklift you have, if its tires are not of good quality then this would affect its performance. 

Good performance of any vehicle depends upon its tires. Good tires not only increase your vehicle performance but also dump noise and make smooth running on terrain roads. So selection of right and good quality forklift tires is very important.

There are many types of tires which are especially designed for forklift to increase its longevity and performance, maintain operator safety, and reduce maintenance cost. Common types of forklift tires which are available in markets are;
  • Press-on wheels
  • Standard wheels
  • Polyurethane wheels
  • Pneumatic wheels
  • Solid wheels

Press-on Wheels
These types of wheels are preferred for indoor operation but are not good for outdoor operation i-e not for terrain roads. These are mostly recommended for electric forklift.

Standard Wheels

These types of tires are normally recommended for outdoor use. These are normally installed in diesel and gas forklift.

Polyurethane Wheels

These are normally used for indoor operation. These are best suited for electric forklift where these provide enough traction which increases their life span.

Pneumatic Wheels

These types of tires are just like heavy duty trucks tires. These are stuffed with air. Their tread is deep and thick. These tires have long lifespan and more durability as compared to other types of tires. St these are best recommended for terrain use.

Solid Wheels

These are just like pneumatic tires except that these are made up from solid rubber. Further these are not filled with air so best suited for out door use and normally not recommended for terrain use. Often these tires leave black mark on the floor as a rubber dust.

These were some common types of tires which are widely used for forklift. Select them according to forklift use whether it is being used as indoor or outdoor operation.

Tips To Reduce Forklift Accidents

As the world economy is growing, machinery usage is also increasing. There are many types of machinery which is being used for different purpose. Forklift is among one of them machinery which is very useful and used in transportation and lifting of heavy loads. You can buy forklift as well as rent it out. There are many companies which are providingforklift service so you can consult with them for better use of forklift and how can you use it properly and safely.
  • Always use good material tires and wheel. Make proper schedule for inspection if there is any wear and tear.
  • Clean your floor where works. There should be no impurities or debris because these can damage the wheel and forklift of tires. So always keep floor debris free.
  • Investing in forklift operator safety can prevent you from further loss because in this way an operator learns better from continuous training.
  • There are different types of trucks and have slightly difference in their operation. So make it sure that only skill full worker would operate the particular truck to avoid any mishap or damage.   
  • It does not depend which type of forklift you use, if you make schedule for its maintenance then you can save cost. Proper inspection can save you from big loss.
  • Your seat belt should be of such a colour that is visible so that it could prevent you from any injury.
  • There should be proper system of forklift which can check speed, maintenance, and information on regularly basis so that there should be record of every thing. This check and balance will prevent you from future loss or injury.
  • Use of horn and back up alarm can also help you in preventing loss at work area.
  • Using proper lights for forklift will help you in which direction you are going. This will prevent you not only yourself but also other employees who are working in that area.

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