Electric Forklift | Maintenance Suggestions

A forklift can be of many types. Some use diesel and gas as a fuel while others are electric forklift. Diesel and gas forklifts are good for outdoor operation while electric forklifts are best suitable for indoor operation. As compared to other types of forklift electric forklifts required less maintenance because these have very less moving parts. But it does not mean that these are maintenance free.

They have high initial cost due to charger and very heavy battery but after that these have very less operational cost. So you can say that although you bear high initial cost but that is cope up with later operational cost of forklift because after that it only requires charging.

In electric forklift battery is used. That’s why proper maintenance is very necessary for it. Don’t use forklift battery at extreme heat level because it can damage internal components fastly. If you are using forklift with less required power then it can also damage battery as well as motor.

Never charge the battery above 80% level. In this way it will become overheat which can cause harmful effect for other parts of the forklift components.

Motor and brushes are very important part of the forklift. Make sure their cleanliness. Otherwise debris can affect their functionality.

Maintain the water level in the battery at a proper level for its smooth operation. There is less water required for newly battery. But keep in mind never over flow the level of water because it can cause serious problems.

Try to use smart charging system for forklift charging and its smooth function.

Wheel bearings, steering system, tie rods all components must be in proper condition for smooth function of forklift.

It’s very clear that if you make schedule for electric forklift maintenance and its proper inspection then there is less chances of its damage which results in its smooth and efficient function and also will save your long term cost.

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