Employee Safety | Lifting Guidance

Many of you are involve in lifting the objects during their work. Lifting the objects can be done manually or through equipment such as lift trucks, forklifts, etc. It also depends upon object size and weight whether you perform task manually or through some tools and equipment. So you have to consider many things while performing this task. It is not necessary only for your safety but for all those who work around you. These tips are helpful for those who do this task of lifting the objects manually as well as through equipment.

  • Test each and every object before lifting. Small size does not mean light weight object. By hand or moving with your feet you can estimate its weight.
  • Keeping object close to your waist will help you in maintaining balance. If you are using some equipment then keep that object at its proper place.
  • Hold object firmly or use holding handles to keep it balance.
  • Always keep good posture while lifting. It will save you from back injuries. Don’t use your legs or back to lift the weights. Always adopt stable position before lifting the weight.
  • Don’t twist your back while lifting the objects. It’s better to turn with your feet instead of twisting your back.
  • Keep your head up after lifting the object. Don’t look towards down. It can cause pain in your back and muscles.
  • Once you hold the object, don’t twist or jerk the object. You can lose control by doing this which ultimately will hurt you.
  • Look all spaces wherever you will walk while lifting the object. Don’t walk on uneven or slippery surfaces. It can cause accidents.
  • If you are using some tools or equipment for lifting the object like forklifts, lift trucks etc, then read all instructions written on manual. Follow those instructions. While working with heavy machinery, an operator must have proper training and knowledge to operate it in order to avoid any mishap.

Keeping in mind all these points you can keep yourself safe while lifting objects and can avoid any type of mishap.

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